Kat King
6 min readJul 7, 2020


WAKE UP! White Supremacists Have Been Gaslighting You for Years

Richard Bertrand Spencer is a well known FAR RIGHT “alt right” neo-Nazi

Fucking radical terrorist.

Why isn’t the KKK labeled a terrorist org?

Because people like Richard Spencer spend ALL THEIR LIVES developing and shaping this long psychological game…

Keep acting like they’re not coming for you

They’re coming for EVERYONE who is NOT A WHITE MALE CHRISTIAN.

Heed my warning.

Just listen to him talk, go watch his own media and read his own words — every single thing he has every published, fo ahead and read it and then consider how many followers he has and how prominent he is, and then….if you agree with him? Please unfriend me.

White supremacy

White privilege

These are both real and present dangers to our country and will continue to be as long as people ignore the threat….

It is the WHITE MAN who established the division and separation and as long as ideas like this continue to find audience, you will see continued escalation of unrest and violence.

We fought a war against the Nazis WHILE SEGREGATING OUR OWN MILITARY.

People need to stop gaslighting me and start acknowledging the danger here.

They’re out here in the open saying this shit and people say it’s fake when it’s coming FROM THE HORSE’S MOUTH!!! They are PROUD of their beliefs!!! They really believe that white people/caucasians are entitled to dominate over everyone else, and they inherently want separation, social dominance. They have convinced a LOT of other Americans who also feel disenfranchised along the way…

Why buddy up with Russia — makes no sense right? EXCEPT THEY ARE ALL CAUCASIANS!! Enemy of my enemy is my friend, amass as much power as possible…why else venerate these murderers?? Why venerate Duterte? The Chechen MONSTER who is currently denying the existence of homosexuality in his country so he can categorically persecute and have every single gay or trans person forcibly “disappeared” or forced into concentration camps. Duterte is a murderer who glorifies capital punishment, Trump venerates him.

A known white supremacist member of Atomwaffen Division, a neo-Nazi TERRORIST organisation, murders a woman at a WHITE SUPREMACIST-centered rally celebrating Trump and Trump says “very fine people” on both sides.


Whataboutism and blameshifting, villifying and demonizing the other side instead of taking accountability…

The radical left?? Same!!! They are all using gaslighting but I will tell you this we have to stop and look at WHO IS AT THE TOP!! Who has the actual power to de-escalate?! To bring PEACE, and trustworthy leadership? And who chooses NOT TO?! Who chooses to completely ignore this very REAL danger!!!! Who chooses to attack, attack, attack.

Like Hitler.

Like a dictator.

The electoral college is inherently a classist and by extension racist institution. It again proves this country was always inherently rooted in the sick, depraved ideology of white supremacy which has now devolved into sychophantic fascist American Exceptionalism.

Extremism HAS TO stop.

But the inherent superiority complex of any one religious institution combined with one ethnic group is a Christian problem.

There is clearly much deeper war happening, a war for the Soul of this country…Christians tells me the threat is Communism and Godlessness, “sin”, and “New Age” spiritualism. They are basically saying everyone who’s not a Christian is inherently immoral, corrupt and definitely wrong about nearly everything from how old the Earth is, to when life begins, to whether or not a Black person is even a person, or whether a Trans person’s identity and pronouns should be acknowledged/respected, or if two consenting LGBTQIA-identifying adults should have the right to get married, or whether someone who identifies as LGBTQIA+ is fit to raise a child, hold a leadership position or even be welcome in their place of worship as long as they remain celibate.

Remember that the Catholic Church bars non-Catholics from taking Communion.

Remember that even within Christianity, there are many deriviatives and when you talk to any one of them, they will first claim to all be on the same side. But ultimately, Catholicism claims to be the only true Christian faith.

Most kids don’t even know Catholics are Christians. As a teacher, it fascinates me to no end listening to children say argue with each other about being one or the other. If a person believes Christ was the son of Gd, that he came in human form and sacrificed himself for our sins and will return again someday to restore Gd’s kingdom, etc etc, you’re a Christian. But their parents taught them that someone is either usually Catholic or Christian. They probably mean Protestant. So entire generations of millions of kids around the country grow up thinking that anyone who’s not a Catholic isn’t a Christian at all.

Even though the Catholic Church IS by default the oldest Christian faith tradition, the early Christians never really seemed to have had a Pope or any human representative speaker for Gd. I tend to mistrust anything Man might dream up to try and gain power over others, anything Man might write down and pass around and claim to be proof of the ultimare truth. After like 5 other religions already went there…

No country is or ever could hope to earn the title “greatest” that doesn’t hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal, and that ALL MEN AND WOMEN are endowed by WE THE REASONABLE AND SANE PEOPLE (some of whom believe in the Creator and some don’t but agree with all the tenets forthwith) with the SAME INALIENABLE RIGHTS.

White Privilege = White Power

White people can say it’s not real, perpetuating the psychological strategy of gaslighting those who truly believe in equality into thinking this is all just some big leftist conspiracy.

It’s like begging your mother to believe you when you tell her her beating you is abuse and she tries to justify it by saying her beliefs told her it’s her duty to beat you. Says so in the Bible!

Bottom line: Richard Spencer is not alone. Many, many, many hundreds of thousands if not millions of people agree with him. White people. People of European — ANGLO or ANGLO SAXON — ancestry and heritage. They all vote, they go to church with you.

They are the fakest ass people in the world, pretending to love everyone while sitting in silent condemnation from up on cushy WHITE AMERICA’s high horse.

Christianity does not have the monopoly on morality. Many Christians are as bad as Isil, and would or could be conditioned to inflict the same injuries and worse upon anyone deemed not Christian enough, much like we see in Atwood’s novel. Forcing everyone to bend has led to this reckoning we see now.

Americans want freedom from extremism, but aren’t willing to defend it. Extremism from the far-right is on the rise. Far-right groups pose the greatest threat, based on the known statistical data we have from all attacks and manifestos analysed. The FBI, NSA and CIA along with 20 other agencies all published studies and the results are startling: THE RIGHT IS THE MOST VIOLENT. Yes, the radical extreme left can be violent but the facts all say it’s nothing compared to what the lone wolf Atomwaffen and KKK and Patriot Front members have perpetrated since Trump was elected.

Trump is their hero.

He should condemn Atomwaffen Division, Patriot Front and Richard Spencer. But he won’t.

So I ask again: WHO ARE WE ?!?!?

An even better question still: who are YOU?



Kat King

“There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside you.” — Zora Neale Hurston | IG: @katharynrking~ Musician. Filmmaker. Theologist. Change Agent for Good.