Kat King
9 min readJul 19, 2020


What Do You Need To Understand About “Whiteness” & Racial Supremacy? Um, Everything.


Kat King

I am descended from English and Dutch on one side (my Dad was a first generation American), and then German and more English on the maternal grandmother side’s. My paternal grandfather came over from The Netherlands, had my dad and then abandoned him. His mother died very young, less than 2 years after he was born. He was a weak and sickly child.

On the maternal grandfather’s side, we’re Russian. Or we could technically be Polish, or German — depending on where they wanted people to believe they were from in order to secure passage for a large Slavic Jewish family to the United States in 1898 or 1900-ish.

So, my blood contains the sins of every imperialist you can basically fathom-at least in terms of Anglo-Saxon conquests. But it also contains the sorrow and trauma of the Jewish people, and the Slavs. These are also my people.

Or are they?

America has us convinced that all leftists are Communists and that Communism is bad. Socialism is bad. Us versus Them. Ever since the end of WWII. We felt threatened by them. Especially seeing them bring down Hitler. Our bruised egos blinded us and the Cold War was born.

But the Cold War is about Christians vs their WORST enemy, which is Godlessness and its perceived significance amongst Christian believers and armchair eschotologists.

I have noticed many people in the US tend to conflate “Caucasian” with “Aryan” and therefore “whiteness”, by extension. Hitler considered the Nordic peoples to be the true Aryans, so anyone not from there with the express features he believed were markers of pure Aryan blood, especially those from Eastern Europe, were considered inferior.

They attacked the Jews and distracted everyone by scapegoating them whilst systematically and slaughtering them with merciless impunity, too. I always ask my students: Who do you think took Berlin? Who fought the Nazis street by street til the very last man? The Russians. The Nazis believed they were the lowest rung of Caucasian, therefore stupid and slovenly, mob-like, and brutish.

For my part, I would to add that, as this appears to be a opportunity to share a great revelation to Non-Europeans about European History is that Hitler took the majority of his ideas regarding segregating races and ethnic cleansing from each other right out of the American playbook. He was inspired by the American colonial concept of Manifest Destiny. He even praised slavery and US isolationist policies.

Basically, Anglo-Saxon Protestant settlers and farmers came over here to build a fresh, shiny new white ethnostate filled with the best of all the white European “subsets” — yes, the Nazis held beliefs about there being “tiers” of whiteness, and they almost wiped everyone out who was in there way, thanks to God of course because I mean if God didn’t bless them, then why are these indigenous people dying?

Let’s keep killing and raping our way across the land because God said they’re all savages and it’s REALLY ours to rightfully claim. Our birthright. I know that not all White Supremacists are Christians, and I know that not all Christians are White Supremacists.

Another interesting fact about European History related to world wars that most non-Europeans don’t know is that the American troops were basically always segregated until around the time time Brown vs Board of Education was eventually struck down later on. We teach our kids that America was the big hero that swooped in to stamp out white supremacist fascist dictators while segregating and oppressing our own people.

And then we turned around and started imperializing and colonizing because it was such a great idea! See: Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico-oh, and take a look at what we did to get Alaska while you’re in Google. And then, after that, look at all the Nordic/Scandinavian countries (especially Denmark and Finland). Just do it.

The Vikings, the Scandinavian ones anyway, began the conquering? The whole world was rife with conflict at the time. The Christianization of the contintents led to just as much death if not more, I’ll wager. So much for Christian superiority!

Christians are no more moral than atheists, per se. Hard to measure, but not impossible. Maybe a survey? Like the Census? Religious affiliation? I mean why not? They already asked me who stayed at my house on April 1st….creepy!

Anyway, it can be argued that US policies and inherently racist systemic institutions so inspired Hitler that his Final Solution plan was-to him at least-a foregone conclusion, and the eventual bloodshed of the Holocaust happened because the United States should really never have existed to begin with, being yet another colonial prestige project gone horribly awry.

How many Jews (allies of a supposedly ‘Judeo-Christian nation’) died in the ghettos before we entered the war? How many died in the camps before we entered the war?

World War I was bad, and so no one wanted to get involved-fine, but think back on everything that caused that conflict, and the watershed moment that everyone talks about (Archduke Ferdinand’s assassination) when they talk about the “causes of World War I” in American Advanced Placement European AND American History. courses. What was that war about? Does anyone know? Or remember?

Democracy. Freedom from tyrannical kings. Social Contract. The notion of “Divine right of Kings”, remember? Taxation without representation. How men convinced people with a Bible only they could read and understand that this is the way God wants the world to be…pillaged damn near every continent and island they came across (“God, gold, glory” and clearly not in that order), plundered, invented debt because of their own selfishness only to be mired down by it and forcing everyone else to suffer? Pure evil, right?

But we turned many, many, many thousands of Jews and other European refugees away from our ports.

“Not enough resources, sorreh!”


But this is America, the land of bounty! Plenty of stolen land here, so what gives, Uncle Sam?

Because America hates its Jews just like everyone else. Apparently, since America is — according to every Christian American ever, a Christian nation. Or a nation founded on Christian principles. Oh, okay; so that explains why these bigoted institutions exist! They think this all built for them because it WAS! Well, at first it was for the rich king, but then it became about Manfest Destiny, fire and brimstone and Puritans!

“City Upon a Hill”

“Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God”

The Crucible.

These we read in our American Literature class, alongside The Scarlet Letter, Song of Myself and other Transcendental writings.

Everyone seems to think this is normal. That it’s okay. But it’s not. Everything has been painted over. The gilded dust is wearing thin. It’s beginning to rub off and we are coming to see.

Christians villified and persecuted every group of non-Christians throughout the founding of the United States. Their hatred and deplorable sense of entitlement to perpetrate such acts against the “Other” is deeply rooted, deeply encoded into our society.

And yet JFK stood up and declared our nation to be a nation “always” committed to equal rights.

Yeh, equal rights for those considered to be human.

When we can’t even ratify the Equal Rights Amendment because a bigoted white Christian woman proclaiming herself to be the “Sweetheart” of the “Silent Majority” — -the “moral” majority, aka the fundamental Christian right.

It is an ancient tree with profound and intricate roots, all bound together by our shared human history.

Most non-Europeans don’t know this, but it has been implied that the American governmemt was more than complicit in the Holocaust. We turned a blind eye to the camps. And then we set up our own camps. The Canadians did as well. Our troops were segregated during BOTH wars. And remember that by the time World War I even broke out, the slaves had only been “free” for like a minute compared to how long they had been legally owned. They were still getting used to being considered 3/5s of a person. Great job, America!

Just like we’re turning a blind eye to what is happening in Chechnya and other places right now. Most Christians will say there’s really nothing we can do but pray. It’s the End Times.

Non-Europeans do not seem to be in touch with their own history and how they fit into the larger World History picture-because we are ALL inextricably linked together by the common thread of colonialism-so I thought these might be interesting to note. Especially due to the rising prevalence of Christian ultranationalism and populism as a whole around the world.

Communism isn’t the solution, and socialism? Better idea, definitely very Christian, no? Wasn’t Jesus the OG socialist?

Nah because Dad quotes the Bible verse about rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar’s.

My retort: Until they were delivered out of Egypt. Once they were free, having been emancipated due to divine intervention, there was no need to perpetuate the same pagan transactional monetary system.

We must come to understand the intrinsic power of our words, both those we speak and those we type. We must know what we mean when we choose our words wisely.

Language does matter.

Remember that society is us.




I’d link you to all my sources, but where would the fun be in that? Just google my claims and make up your own mind. Call it a “Web Quest”!

Everything I have shared is derived from more than two decades’ worth of objective personal research on the origin of racial supremacy and extremist ideologies, as well as psychological warfare. I also have a BA in Culture and Media Studies, a Master’s in Educational Leadership, and a Master’s in English and Creative Writing.

Having served in the Army, I know a thing or two about certain parts of the world a bit more intimately because I’ve learned a thing or two from my experiences there.

Do some of your own research on racial supremacy. Watch every doco you can find on this topic, not just white supremacy but racial supremacy because Hitler got his anti-Semitic/NWO paranoia from a pamphlet that had already been stirring up hate against Jews in the Slavic nations. Like Russia.

Wherever you went, if you are Jewish, you are nothing but stateless Jew. That is why Israel had to happen.

Christians felt a pang of guilt. They let the Jews take the fall for what the Romans had done.

Paul, who had been King Saul until his conversion and who had ruthlessly persecuted Christians, even going to so far as to perpetuate rumours of Christians being baby-killing, orgy-obsessed occultists practicing their sick religion in secrecy, had much to gain by claiming to have been “divinely inspired”.

There were many men back at the founding of this nation who categorically refuted the idea that the United States is or was ever “a Christian nation”. Why have “Separation of Church and State”? And where did idea even come from? The Deists, like Thomas Paine and the many other thought leaders, who were shunned and shamed and misrepresented as “evil” Atheists by their slaveowning contemporaries…even though they repeatedly professed their belief in God, citing Nature itself as proof of the existence of God. They wrote very plainly.

Go read the source. Read their writings! The Age of Reason is surprisingly readable! It’s fascinating!

Christians can keep trying to claim that we’re founded on Christian values, but that’s not encouraging to hear, given Christianity’s track record so far. We can do better.


It’s like this…

If you believe God has a plan for you, and you believe God is perfect-as in PERFECT-then you should accept your shitty weather and crap land! God made all those Nordic and Scandinavians. God made the Anglo-Saxons. God made all the fucking people, right? Why? So you could violate his #1 Commandment

“Thou shalt not kill.” It doesn’t say anything about any exceptions. No matter what. God said so. It is in the Bible.

Oh, but you can repent and ask forgiveness?


By your own logic, God put you all where you were supposed to be.

And, just like in every bad action movie ever, you just couldn’t/wouldn’t stay





Nope. Humans are wanderers. By nature.

“Don’t eat that fruit. You can haz any fruits but that fruit.”

Um, ok.


But why tho.

How is Satan so much more powerful than God if God is the Alpha and the Omega? If God is greater, then Satan can’t be reigning over the world. Manifesting as demons posessing and killing their hosts, you say?


Here’s how it should’ve gone:


Not in quotes.

Actual exploring.

So what you do is send an emissary and make First Contact, hope you can get along and work out a mutually beneficial, consensual relationship…

If not, you stay put! Or try somewhere else!

You don’t go destroying entire other cultures and civilizations! But we did!

And now it’s time to stop the cycle.

Stop the madness.



Kat King

“There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside you.” — Zora Neale Hurston | IG: @katharynrking~ Musician. Filmmaker. Theologist. Change Agent for Good.