Kat King
Nov 8, 2020


Mass Effect Fans, Rejoice! A NEW Game is Announced Alongside the Remaster (But Don’t Expect It Any Time Soon)

Of course, they are in the early stages of development for the NEXT installment in the Mass Effect game franchise. For deetz, these guys at The Verge have a lot more info. Link: https://www.theverge.com/platform/amp/2020/11/7/21554092/bioware-new-mass-effect-game-announced-n7-day

This means it ain’t coming any time soon.

Fine by me! Since they also officially confirmed the release of the highly anticipated remaster of the original trilogy, dubbed the Legendary Edition, this means you’ll have a hell of a trip down memory lane with Shep and the gang to keep you busy til the new game arrives.

P. S. Andromeda was the best Mass Effect game. Change my mind. 😈👾👻

I wouldn’t sneeze at a follow-up to that whole thing with a bit more spice to the story.



Kat King

“There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside you.” — Zora Neale Hurston | IG: @katharynrking~ Musician. Filmmaker. Theologist. Change Agent for Good.