Kat King
7 min readJun 16, 2020


Dear White People: The Only Way Out Is Through

Stop trying to gaslight yourselves, and everyone else.

Stop saying things like:

“You’re the ones creating division!”


You’re not about that Fake News, right?

So let me hit you with some basic REALITY.

Facts: It was primarily White people who invented this division, completely in their imaginations to begin with, and it was White people who convinced a bunch of other White people to go along with their master plan to forever set their ethnic group apart and above all others by erasing the inherent significance of that group/those groups and its/their value to society — devaluing whole other ethnic groups and villifying them constantly throughout history with impunity.

All White people and White-passing people are complicit as a result.

450 years is a long time for complacency and complicity to do the kind of damage the Nazis aspired to.

This is the threat.

“It’s over. That was a hundred years ago,” you say?

“I don’t see colour,” you say?

“Colorblindness” is erasure.

Erasure of someone’s physical identity. White Christians have a reckoning upon them with their blasphemy. To blatantly ignore someone’s ethnicity/skin tone is to say God’s intelligently designed, infinitely diverse universe is blasphemy.

Make them invisible.

It’s also denying the cultural and societal contributions that ALL non-Black cultures enjoy. It’s deeply disrespectful. Music, art, fashion? Most of the most popular icons in Entertainment? They’re Black, Indigenous or People of Colour.

You keep trying to make this problem go away by denying it still exists. That it’s just a few bad apples.

I was raised as a White Christian by White Christians who say this, and I used to say it because I was homeschooled (raised in a bubble) and indoctrinated to believe that all people are created in God’s image. All people.

Not just White people.

But ALL of the colours of the rainbow.

And it was the Eurocentric Puritans who decided to wage war on Deism, and agnosticism, and especially atheism and paganism. It was the European colonizers — British, French, Spanish and Dutch, who are guilty. Look at what became of the Vikings! It has taken those nations a millenium to arrive at system that more or less was working until racial supremacy and Populism began to butt up again a carefully worked out l, hard-fought, hard-won Social. Democracy.

White and white-passing Christians, as well as non-Christians have enjoyed the benefits of their own complicity by ignoring the issue racism and lulling ourselves into a false sense of security with the FALSE notion that racial supremacy is dead.

Racial supremacy, rooted in Christian Nationalism, is the founding principle of the City Upon A Hill we call the United States of America.

Sleepy, passive White progressives suffer from the delusion that they did their part when the Civil Rights Act was passed.

What we’re facing now is a stubborn, complacent, lazy ass bunch of White people who are in denial about all of these things because they aren’t willing to do more work.

I mean it’s the epitome of lazy to enslave a whole civilization just so you won’t have to shave your own damn face, or polish your own damn nails.

We see what happens when everyday people become complicit, and lazy.

We attack and insult instead of simply listening and trying to understand. Almost all the White people I know keep saying property is more valuable to them than human life. But when have their lives ever been treated as worth more than your damn LIQUOR STORE ?

White people are so fucking complacent, even after all these years of Holocaust Remembrance and Obama getting elected.

There’s ignorance, and then there’s willful ignorance. Choose not to turn away. Choose to open your heart and mind and SEE.

Christians ultimately believe they’re superior to all other faith traditions, and yet there are hundreds of denominations and dozens of different major Christian faith traditions and within them all, they each inherently believe the others to be false. When the rubber meets the road, they believe all people who don’t believe Jesus is the Son of God is going to Hell. That’s the ultimate worst thing you can do, right? So you can be a racist, a rapist, a murderer, and as long as you repent and ask forgiveness sincerely — and you never deny Jesus as a divine Son of God…and you’re good! That’s why everyone had to be told the Good News!! Everyone had to evangelize. Start a whole new country. Manifest Destiny. Slavery.

Ideologies are dangerous when the idea of superiority poisons the mind of the Oppressor to such an extent that even He is blind to his own wickedness. White people have historically imposed Anglo values upon other ethnic groups across every aspect of life, and simply outlawing hate crime is not sufficient.

We must root out an idea. We must teach our children to love all people, to learn about every culture they possibly can, and to seek understanding. Equality has to do with the basic inalienable human rights that Black people in this country, and indigenous cultures everywhere have continued to be ignored.

Sadly, I fear my words fall on blind eyes.

The eternal perpetual chamber of confirmation bias echoes on.


This is why I march.

It’s something I can DO: SHOW UP. BE COUNTED. Be a witness. Be the change.

We White people need to do the work, the right way. This IS our responsibility. To decolonize our brains and hold our own feet to the fire.

I will not be a bystander.

I will speak up.

I will kneel with you.

There are some things in this life worth living for and some things worth dying for and this is that hill for me. Not a fad. Not just a hashtag. A constant, daily pledge to do the right thing.

I will be there with and for and by you every step, every day. Until all lives actually do matter. ✌🏼♥️



Kat King

“There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside you.” — Zora Neale Hurston | IG: @katharynrking~ Musician. Filmmaker. Theologist. Change Agent for Good.